Most of my projects are written in either JavaScript or C, where my earlier ones are more likely JavaScript. In some cases, the language I chose to write a given project in may not be the most appropriate choice. This is due to the “If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail” effect.
Install node.js to run most of my JS projects. These were written a while ago, so they probably need an old version of node.
As for C projects, good luck getting them to compile. Most don’t have makefiles, documentation, or even a shell script. If you’re desperate, try posting an Issue. I might get back to you in the next century.
This is a cross-platform graphics library that I wrote. It comes in two components: A windowing library and a graphics/drawing library. The windowing library supports Win32, Wayland, Xcb and Xlib backends. It works kind of like SDL, giving you basic windowing and software drawing primitives.
A software rasterizer/3D engine written in C using libxgfx. You can display any .obj mesh. Supports .mtl’s with various materials/colors. Doesn’t perform perspective transformation (orthographic). You can rotate the mesh with arrow keys.
A processor/system emulator and assembler for my custom 8/16-bit CPU architecture. I built the 8-bit version in Minecraft Redstone and am trying to do it in logisim. (Real hardware coming eventually!)
An “Operating system” with basic drivers for keyboard, VGA, disk, … It doesn’t have functional scheduling, user space, memory allocation/virtual memory, …
A curling simulation video game with a custom 3D engine made with OpenGL (via the OpenTK library) and a custom physics engine (which is a bit finicky). See if you can figure out the controls. Inspired by BillardGL.
Check out my Github profile to see everything.