Lennon McLean


I’ve always heard that back in the early days of computing, you could subscribe to a magasine that would come once a week, and it would contain little BASIC programs that you could type into your Commodore 64, Apple II, etc. and you could play little games, while learning BASIC. I want to try to bring back that tradition using Github Gists, where I will post weekly snippets of code in various languages (javascript, bash, nasm, coyote, c) that YOU can try typing in a text editor to try to learn coding! I would STRONGLY suggest TYPING the code as opposed to Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V’ing it. It just gives you a really cool feel for the language, even if you don’t have any idea what you’re doing. Most of the programs will be heavily commented, to explain what they’re doing. They’ll also have compilation/execution instructions at the top.

Minecraft Skin Stealer

Fibonacci Sequence in NASM